Data Assimilation & Prediction

Education and Training

Education and Training: Researchers from the data assimilation groups at CIRA actively participate in training of individuals as part of a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) award intended to increase the number of experts in the field of data assimilation.

The training is being been done in the form of a 1-year paid internship located at CIRA in Fort Collins, Colorado, and it covers both, practical and theoretical aspects of data assimilation. Interns in this position can learn how to use several NOAA models and novel data assimilation techniques and travel to several NOAA labs in the country to interact with other DA scientists. Click here to meet our NOAA DA interns.

Lecture notes from the 2018 DA intern training are available here:

December 4 and 6, 2017Introduction to Data Assimilation & Linear Algebra and Functional AnalysisMilija Zupanski
December 13 and 20, 2017Cost Function and Linear Data Assimilation & OptimizationMilija Zupanski
January 2 and 9, 2018Data Assimilation Method (Part I, Part II, and Part III)Milija Zupanski
January 11, 2018Dynamical Balance and Related TopicsMilija Zupanski
January 16, 2018Cloud-Resolving and Satellite Data Assimilation (Part I and Part II)Milija Zupanski
January 18, 2018Coupled Data Assimilation (Part I and Part II)Milija Zupanski
January 26, 2018Verification of Results from Data Assimilation (Part I and Part II)Milija Zupanski
February 13, 2018An Introduction to Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI)Ting-Chi Wu
February 15, 2018Building and Running GSI on S4Ting-Chi Wu
February 20, 2018 MURI: Advancing Littoral Zone Aerosol Data Assimilation in Regime-Dependent Flows Anton Kliewer
March 13, 2018 An Introduction to Stochastic Processes  Anton Kliewer
March 20, 2018 Introduction to Data Assimilation and Applications within NOAA (Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV) Karina Apodaca
March 20 and 27, 2018 Single Observation Experiment with GSI (Part I and Part II) Milija Zupanski

In addition, some of our researchers travel to conduct teaching in data assimilation summer schools hosted by several national and international institutions like Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea [Link]. When available, educational opportunities are listed in the News section and in the CIRA Employment Opportunities site