Data Assimilation & Prediction

Advancing littoral zone aerosol prediction via holistic studies in regime-dependent flows

Project Period: July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2020
Principal Investigator(s): Steve D. Miller (CIRA/CSU)
Co-Principal Investigator(s): Susan van den Heever, Sonia Kreidenweis, Milija Zupanski, Robert Holz, Jianglong Zhang, and Jun Wang

Other Investigators: Jeremy Solbrig, Renate Brummer, Anton Kliewer, Karina Apodaca-Martinez, Lewis Grasso, Matthew Rogers, Kevin Micke, Adele Igel, Qijing (Emily) Bian, Steve Saleeby, Min Oo, Steve Albers, and Ting-Chi Wu

Postdoc(s) and Student(s): Jungmin Park, Jennie Bukowski, Yi Wang, and Sam Atwood

Sponsors: Office of Naval Research (ONR)


This project takes a multi-faceted, integrated approach to understanding and addressing significant forecasting challenges of atmospheric aerosol in the coastal zone impacting the characteristics of electro/optical (E/O) propagation. The research aims to improve our basic understanding of the relative roles and synergistic interactions of key environmental factors that influence aerosol distributions and thereby E/O propagation, advance our ability to characterize littoral zone aerosol distribution and properties via next-generation satellite observations and algorithms, and examine how state of the art data assimilation approaches can exploit this information to provide representative high-resolution three dimensional (3D) analysis of the littoral zone aerosol. Click here to find out more about this Office of Naval Research $7.5 million sponsored project.