Data Assimilation & Prediction


From time to time, the DA group attends meetings/conferences/workshops throughout the years. Below are some of the meetings that we will be attending or have already attended. Work presented by the DA group is also accessible via the [link] button.

Upcoming Meetings

17th JCSDA Review Meeting and Technical Workshop

May 29-31, 2019

NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC

Meeting Website

Fletcher, S. J., M. Goodliff, A. Kliewer, A. Jones, and J. Forsythe, 2019: Introducing CDAT: CIRA Data Assimilation Testbed [Link]

Wu, T.-C., A. Kliewer, M. Zupanski, W. Berg, R. Schulte, H. Cronk, J. Fluke, P. Partain, S. D. Miller, and C. D. Kummerow, 2019: Lessons Learned and Initial Assessment of Small Satellite for Data Assimilation: Part I – TEMPEST-D [Link]

Kliewer, A., T.-C. Wu, M. Zupanski, H. Cronk, S. D. Miller, and C. D. Kummerow, 2019: Lessons Learned and Initial Assessment of Small Satellite for Data Assimilation: Part II – ADM-Aeolus Wind Lidar [Link]

Recent Meetings

2019 Annual European Geophysical Union Meeting

April 7-12, 2019

Vienna, Austria

Meeting Website

DA Group Participations:

Zupanski, M., 2019: Global Analysis Solution of High-Dimensional Ensemble Data Assimilation [Link]

Lee, Yoonjin, C. Kummerow, and M. Zupanski, 2019: Retrieval of Latent Heating Using GOES-16 [Link]

Goodliff M., S. J. Fletcher, A. Kliewer, J. Forsythe, and A. Jones, 2019: Detection of Lognormal Signals in Different Atmospheric Flows [Link]

Fletcher, S. J., M. Goodliff, A. Kliewer, A. Jones, and J. Forsythe, 2019: Mixed Gaussian-Lognormal Variational Data Assimilation [Link]

Seventh International Symposium on Data Assimilation

April 7-January 21-24, 2019

Kobe, Japan

Meeting Website

DA Group Participations:

Apodaca, K., M. Zupanski, J. Derber, and L. Cucurull, 2019: Initial Observing Impact Assessment of GOES/GLM lightning in NOAA/NCEP System [Link]

Fletcher, S. J., M. R. Goodliff, A. J. Kliewer, A. S. Jones, and J. M. Forsythe, 2019: Comparisons of Non-Gaussian with Gaussian based Observational Quality Control Measures and Their Impacts on Data Assimilation Systems [Link]

Wu, T.-C., M. Zupanski, K. Apodaca, C. Slocum, and K. Musgrave, 2019: Evaluation of GLM Lightning Flash Rate Observation Operators for HWRF [Link]

Seventh International WMO Symposium on Data Assimilation

September 11, 2017, to September 15, 2017

Florianopolis, Brazil

Meeting Website

DA Group Participations:

Apodaca, K., S. J. Fletcher, S. S. Weygandt, and H. Lin, 2017: Implementing non-Gaussian background error statistics for cloud-related control variables in the hybrid GSI for improved convective-scale prediction [Link]

Apodaca, K., M. Zupanski, L. Cucurull, and M. Hu, 2017: Implementation of the GOES-16 GLM lightning assimilation into the GSI system for improved global and convective-scale assimilation and prediction [Link]

Kliewer, A. J. and M. Zupanski, 2017: Advancing Assimilation and Prediction of Aerosol Distributions in Coastal Regions Using a Coupled Modeling System [Link]

18th Annual WRF Users’ Workshop

June 12, 2017, to June 16, 2017

Boulder, CO

DA Group Participations:

Wu, T.-C., M. Zupanski, L. D. Grasso, C. D. Kummerow, and S-A Boukabara, 2017: Assimilation of Microwave All-Sky Radiances and Hydrometeor Retrievals in HWRF. [Link]

The AMS 97th Annual Meeting

January 22, 2017, to January 26, 2017

Seattle, WA

DA Group Participations:

21st Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface:

Apodaca, K., S. J. Fletcher, S. Weygandt, H. Lin, C. Alexander, M. Hu, T. Ladwig, and E. James, 2017: Implementation of Cloud-Related Non-Gaussian Background Error Statistics in Hybrid Data Assimilation for Convective-Scale Prediction. [Link]

S. J. Fletcher, and Apodaca, K., 2017: Accounting for Non-Gaussianity in Background Errors Associated with Cloud-Related Variables. [Link]

The 5th Annual International Symposium on Data Assimilation

July 18, 2016, to July 22, 2016

Reading, United Kingdom

DA Group Participations:

Wu, T.-C., M. Zupanski, L. D. Grasso, P. J. Brown, C. D. Kummerow, and J. A. Knaff, 2016: Toward Assimilating Satellite Cloud and Precipitation Observations in NOAA HWRF System. [Link]

Wu, T.-C. and M. Zupanski, 2016: Practical Details of Assimilating GPM Hydrometeor Retrievals in HWRF. [Link]

Zupanski M., 2016: Coupled Data Assimilation with Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter (MLEF). [Link]

The JCSDA Summer Colloquium on Satellite Data Assimilation

July 27, 2015, to August 7, 2015

Fort Collins, CO

DA Group Participations:

Fletcher, S. J., 2015: Non-Gaussian Based Data Assimilation: Theory [Link]

Fletcher, S. J., 2015: Non-Gaussian Based Data Assimilation: Applications [Link]

Zupanski M., 2016: Satellite Data Assimilation Applications: Mesoscale [Link]

Zupanski M., 2016: Satellite Data Assimilation Applications: Tropical [Link]

13th JCSDA Workshop on Satellite Data Assimilation

May 13, 2015, to May 15, 2015

College Park, MD

DA Group Participations:

Apodaca, K., M. Zupanski, L. D. Grasso, and M. DeMaria, 2015: Incorporation of GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper Observations into the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation System. [Link]

Wu, T.-C., M. Zupanski, P. J. Brown, L. D. Grasso, and C. D. Kummerow, 2015: GSI Capability to Assimilate Precipitation-Affected Satellite Observations in Application to HWRF: Assimilation of TRMM Cloud Water Retrievals. [Link]

Zupanski, M. and C. D. Kummerow, 2015: JCSDA Satellite Data Assimilation Research and Training Activities at CIRA. [Link]